being disposed into a river to left to sink while deceased; tied to a heavy object while left to sink alive
"If I don't pay off my debt to my supplier I'll end up river-bottom."
A term used to either refer to a pair of high heels.. be careful because as soon as u put them on
You will develop a badass attitude and confidence like a mf
Just like when u put on apple bottom jeans... Except with red bottom heels u become a whole lot taller and closer to heaven!
Damn that girl is powerful
She used to be so shy..u think she may have on red bottoms...yeah that's why she's such a boss rn
A northern phrase describing when something is certain - a sure bet
"was Jeffrey Epstein murdered to keep him silent?"
"You can bet your bottom bollock he was!"
A person who only bottoms for someone who earned it.
They’re a trophy bottom though. Something had to be different about their s/o.
This means that a man's penis is so small that if inserted into a shot glass it would not touch the bottom of it.
Steve's cock is so small he could not even bottom out a shot glass!