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sweet pooty lip

A male with that is insufficient in bed.

He's good looking, but he is a in bed he is a sweet pooty lip

by Michigan troops April 6, 2017

Louisiana Lip Smacker

The action of performing oral sex on male genitalia with the male genitalia in the back of the throat, causing vomiting on the genitals. Then gathering the vomit back into your mouth, and continuing to perform oral sex, causing ejaculation. Then you use the mix of semen and vomit to spit it in your partner’s mouth. They then will swallow and digest the vomen (vomit and semen) until the next day. You are now ready to enjoy (eat) your “Louisiana Lip Smacker”.

“Hey, you here that Ivan had his first Louisiana Lip Smacker yesterday?”
“Really? That’s wild.”

by love u mama July 4, 2019

Batty crease lips

Batty crease lips are dem lips that are dried up. The crusty lips that look like tiger bread. No one wants go near them because they look like a pensioners batty.

James says to Jordan;
Oi jord you got dem batty crease lips man. Get some vasoline on dat shit.

by Battyshit June 22, 2017

Lip tunnel of Love

When two people put their lips around the shaft of a penis, forming a "tunnel."

Cindy and Sharah got together with Cody and gave him the Lip Tunnel of Love.

by djminkus November 13, 2010

Smoke Your Lips

Getting your lips smacked so hard they smoke.

Dad: You mock me one more time and I’ll smoke your lips.
Son: (mimicking dad) Mock me one more time...
Dad: Alright you’re getting a smack on the lips.

by Helcat3 December 24, 2020

Oxenden Fish Lips

Before a girl goes down on you, she blind fold you. When she has had enough, without telling you, she seamlessly switches her lips for the lips of a freshly caught lake trout and uses that to finish you off so that you ejaculate in the fish's mouth. Then she unties the blindfold to show you where the real pleasure came from.

The Oxenden fish lips isn't for everyone but my friend is a fisherman and he loved it.

by Dodgy J-Money 2 February 15, 2018

single people lips

Lips that are dry and chapped.

Friend: "your lips look a little gross.."
Me: "yeah, I have single people lips. Sorry"

by liquid.air August 11, 2017