Crisp "juicy deep-fried" twangy-electric-guitar undertone/accompaniment-accents that create satisfying additional fullness/richness to a bouncy melody.
Succulent "fruits 'n' vegetables" compositions --- i.e., songs with lovely bold tones from horns, woodwinds, strings, and keyboards, and with a nice lively thumpy-thump beat --- are all well and good on their own, but they are always so much more audibly "fulfilling" if there are a moderation of musical "bacon bits" sprinkled in throughout the tune, as well. Check out towing-serviceman Ron Pratt's theme song on YouTube to see what I mean.
a piece of toast usually enjoyed with lots of bacon.
Bob: you want some bacon toast
Fred: What's that?
Bob: its a piece of toast with bacon
A bacon bouquet is basically the meat equivalent of a dozen roses. It is a bunch of little rosettes made of rolled up bacon slices placed on the ends of flower stems. It's actually quite pretty and the best part is it's edible! You can buy them online from a shop in Texas.
I got my wife a bacon bouquet for her birthday. He loves bacon so I got him a bacon bouquet. My bacon bouquet is mine and I am not sharing.
a quality due to something edible that can bring one closest to a state of nirvana, most commonly achieved with bacon
I want a singular milkshake that has the bacon goodness that can only be rivaled by 68 slices of bacon. Don't you?
Spray on bacon, makes any surface lickabke bacon
Wow, my aunt just got me bacon wizzle for my birthday as a gag gift
A fat ass Betch that won’t stop eating and is always emotionally drained and has to eat her feelings
Omg ur such a bacon brownie
The phenomenon of having a rambling conversation which ends on the same topic that it originated with.
Conversation: I need a food processor—to discussion of recipes-to discussion of another unrelated topic about wanting to buy a house—to expenses of inflation and market prices-to I should be chopping vegetables for dinner-ending with chopping vegetables would be faster with a food processor.
I Kevin Baconed it.