Source Code

Omi Syndrome

An insatiable urge to talk about children

Goddamn it looks like Kian is suffering from 'Omi Syndrome' again

by Rodent89 January 18, 2023

YEEHAW Syndrome

When someone can't stop saying YEEHAW.

Brandon: YEEHAW
Friend: I think you have YEEHAW Syndrome. It needs to stop.

by Voidularr August 14, 2018

Thea Syndrome

When you say you're going to sleep but find yourself back talking with friends a bit later

Go back to sleep, you must have Thea Syndrome.

by RavenclawNatsfan August 20, 2022

Uffmoor syndrome

A state of mind reached after extended exposure to the cold and the wet, lack of sleep and food, constant inhalation of camp fire smoke and the dark.

The main symptom that identifies Uffmoor syndrome is finding slightly entertaining sounds, sights or other normally insignificant events hilarious to an extent which renders the sufferer incapable of simple tasks. Laughter is usually hysterical in nature and highly contagious, drawing in new victims. Usually spreading to all persons present. Laughter subsides after around 30 minutes (2 forest hours) and the sufferer will fully recover shortly after.

The most common situation for Uffmoor syndrome to develop is after multiple nights camping in wild conditions. In fact someone with thiese symptoms cannot be considered to be suffering from Uffmoor syndrome unless it was developed in a wooded area.

Person 1:
Is Shayne is laughing again?

Person 2:
Yeah I thing he's got Uffmoor syndrome again.

Person 1:
Already!? He's such a lightweight, it's barely dark.

by Arthur Reed January 6, 2018

Pashka syndrome

A medical condition named after a tall Russian man with chest tattoos. The medical condition in which chronic lower back problems occur do to having and extremely heavy and overgrown meat stick.

My wiener is so big. I hope I don’t get Pashka syndrome

by Itwasntrobstaaa July 9, 2019

Labrador syndrome

When someone gets easily distracted from what they are doing. Just like a Labrador or a puppy looses focus.

“Look here! God you have the labrador syndrome” or
“she saw the flower and forgot what she was doing, she really has the labrador syndrome”

by Cammocarmex September 29, 2020

DJ syndrom

DJ - or producer syndrom is a phase in producer's life, when he is suffering under the lack of creativity and is unable to create new (fresh) music content.

The problem is, that the person suffering under this syndrom disassembles every track while listening in separate sound tracks for every instrument or sound effect and lose the overall impression of the current piece of music.

Hey, my friend has a DJ syndrom, he can't produce something for half a year yet! He's a skilled geezer though.

by xShaderx April 25, 2010