a TV show created by osla about three friends named phil (Freddie potts) Freddy (noah sudell) Oscar (Oscar Byrne) and gary (Tom chapman-fox) who live in new york
Jim: hey did you watch the new three citiots episode
joe: how did you get in my house?
How can we know what you've done,
If we can't even do what we are meant to hun,
If it was meant to be,
I wouldn't be heading out to sea!
Once twice three times you're ladies for shame on giving females a bad name.
The act of Cummings, shitting, and sneezing at the same time.
I almost died last night when that girl forced me into a Three Way Blowout
Should I buy new handphone? Which type of handphone should I buy? Three choices?
Should I buy new handphone? Which type of handphone should I buy? Three choices?
Three pump phill is the name for a man that can only satisfy himself leaving his mrs to sort herself out
Omg my husband is a three pump Phil
A person who has three legs. Usually named jared.
Attracts only ones and fours
How does jared walk. He is a three legged monster
the three musketeers but black
oh shit the three niggiteers are comin fo yo ass