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gurbanso beans

Dry beans

"Umma crucifie you with these gurbanso beans"

by D4$A@026 April 7, 2016

Broken Bean

When you rub your clit during masturbation so much that you think that it might just fall off.

Hey Beth, I think I have a broken bean. My coochie hurts so much but I just can’t stop.

by Sasquatch Sally October 15, 2019

Joey Bean

A butt budy of a person who works in the porn industry.

Jack really has a Joey Bean

by warrenaXP October 21, 2019

Shartie Bean

Shartie Bean means someone who holds all your affection.

Woah Zendaya! You’re my little shartie bean!

by daniiboi January 7, 2021

Hot bean

When you squat down over your girlfriend and poot on her clit

Man I gave that b**** the hot Bean last night

by Flappyfibs August 30, 2021

Addicted to the Bean

The Bean is also know as Coffee, It is easily addictive and you can drink it more then 3 or 5 times a day. Some people cannot handle the bean and there for loose there minds all over the place.

Oh Man Im so addicted to the bean i might loose my mind.

I hit the bean four or five times a day.

Im fiending for the bean.

by Kitty pretty itty bitty titty July 4, 2011

Beat the bean

Clitoral masturbation.
Clitoral stimulation.
Playing with your pussy.
Playing with someone's pussy.
Synonymous with flick the bean, hit the bean.

- So, how did you spend last night? Did your crush finally get his shit together and ask you out?
- Nah, girl. I kept sending him memes all night until I gave up and beat the bean myself.

by Dieviete March 2, 2022