Keung Candies are a group of Keung To's fans, from all over the world, who support and care about Keung To wholeheartedly.
Keung To cares about Keung Candies so much that he urges them to stay away from the chilly weather at Ngong Ping Market.
A normal beer funnel, except within the act of chugging an individual or many individuals spit candy into the top of the funnel. The person that is chugging must also chug down the pieces of candy or else he or she is a bitch.
Greg, im gonna spit smarties into the funnel so that it becomes a candy funnel. Dont be a cunt muffin and not swallow the candy.
1.a sugar product
2. a character from anime show glitter force
candy the pixie
something kids would pay $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for
5 year old me loved candy
That one dude in your friends group that claims he's straight but he's kissed 20 or so guys and wears dresses in public
fuck off Candy
Can be sweet or sour just depends on how you treat her or if it's a bipolar day then you'll get sour so watch out