When you do Anal with a girl and when you pull out there is a corn in your duck hole
Fish~ "I did a girl in the ass and had corn in my dick hole"
Ty~ " chocolate covered corn!"
you eat corn and since it doesn’t digest all the way when you shit there is gonna be corn in it so you pick it out and eat it again and then poop it out and eat it again
i’m so hungry i have to resort to the infinite corn glitch
Corn kernels marinated in the vagina.
I’d love to eat her sweet, sweet punani corn.
corn flaek is the average breakfast of a horror game characters. see cornflakes for more info about this breakfast
oh god don't look he is eating a corn flaek!
This is when you make your girl eat nothing but corn for dinner and when she has to shit you shove your dick in and collect the corn with your dick.
My Grandma called me up while I was recobbing the Corn with my girl and she asked what I was doing.
Masturbating with poop in your hand.
I got bored last night, so I spent some time cob corning.
Girls who live in small country towns and fuck their friends boyfriends
Haley and Natalie went for their ex best friends man, they are corn hoes.