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motherfucker unlimited (in a bad way)

believes ducks can't fly (kyle)

by i knowing March 7, 2022


Usually a bellow average human that will not go very far in life but will do his best trying. Typically people around Kyle will recognize him/her as a bag of dicks and kick Kyle repeatedly.

Brian: wow look at that kyle over there! Lets go kick him in the dick

Everyone else: Of course! What else are you supposed to do with a kyle

by I’ll_doubleleg_you May 31, 2020


A Kyle is a very handsome and brave guy, he’s fierce yet gentle a Kyle is someone you can trust with all your secrets.

Kyle your such a kyle

by Bigballerz August 22, 2021


A Mf Dont Need a Hoe and Can Keep The Bag

oh ya some dude named kyle

by COOL#8763 March 15, 2021


Kyle is tipically the best person u will ever know until u actually get to know them , he is a lying , backstabber , cheater and a miniplitive guy . he will ruin ur life and pretend nothing happened , he will always try and get back into ur life and then just disapper once again. he will make u extremly depressed and suicidal . u will eventualy see how disgusting of a person he is .

person 1 - omg look at that guy hes so cute

person 2 - hes my ex KYLE he abonded me after he found out i was pregnant

by khagdbf March 3, 2022


a terrible white name for a schmuck, curious georges father, rimshas monkey man

kyle is poopy

by drugsimran June 29, 2021


People named Kyle are so dumb! They drink nasty kilt lifter four peaks beer and will keep buying it even tho its nasty af. They also always eats your candy and cant read.

me - "Hey this kilt lifter is pretty nasty".
Kyle - "This beer was brewed in Arizona don't be a idiot"

by Kyles Number 1 fan November 23, 2021