A jabimba male is a guy that's watched so much right wing dude bro podcasts that his brains turned to total mush and just like barbarians of antiquity used to sound like 'bar bar' to the civilized, their insane rants about womens rights, t levels, and whatever other stupid bullshit they heard on the 500th Joe Rogan wannabe podcast just sounds like 'Ja bim ba' nonsense to the average person
Ugh Eddie's become such a fucking jabimba male 😔
Simisola is a very sweet boy. He is someone that has gone through so many life challenges but still manages to bounce back stronger and stronger. He is a hard lover and a hopeless romantic. When he falls in love with you, he is yours for life.
Her: Simisola (Male) is an epitome of love and bravery.
Cool calm collective. He seems to be very quiet but is one of the nicest guys you will ever be know. Usually approached by women first but once he is in love he falls too deep.
Sam is such a fortune male.
SUper hot dude with long you know what like 9 inches
girl 1. i like payton male
girl 2. me to
Kaci is an intelligent, smart, clever and hilarious, human being to walk on this earth anyone to have KACI as their partner are very lucky, as he is great in bed, and babies will be popping out like flies with him, he is most likely a comedian/actor as everyone finds him very funny although some are very jealous and decide to call him names but he gets through it in the end and brings up a beautiful family he is also a very wealthy person and owns a lot of properties and is a Manger is some form of department KACI is very creative and loves designinghe is a great role model he is also know to be a ladies man and loves to flirt when necessary. KACI gets dougbted a lot by most people but those people actually wish they were KACI a lot of people mistake KACI as gay as his name is a unisex name (both genders) and a name has a lot to do with who you are and KACI is a brilliant Male who should always love and care for you !
KACI (Male Version)
is defined as a very funny Male !
Kaci is an intelligent, smart, clever and hilarious, human being to walk on this earth anyone to have KACI as their partner are very lucky, as he is great in bed, and babies will be popping out like flies with him, he is most likely a comedian/actor as everyone finds him very funny although some are very jealous and decide to call him names but he gets through it in the end and brings up a beautiful family he is also a very wealthy person and owns a lot of properties and is a Manger is some form of department KACI is very creative and loves designinghe is a great role model he is also know to be a ladies man and loves to flirt when necessary. KACI gets dougbted a lot by most people but those people actually wish they were KACI a lot of people mistake KACI as gay as his name is a unisex name (both genders) and a name has a lot to do with who you are and KACI is a brilliant Male who should always love and care for you !
KACI (Male Version)
is defined as a very funny Male !
a nigma male might represent an individual who strongly identifies with and actively contributes to the cultural and communal bonds of the African-American community. This aspect emphasizes a sense of belonging and solidarity.
a nigma male is known for overcoming societal obstacles, demonstrating mental and emotional fortitude, and contributing positively to it's community. He embodies the complexity and diversity of experiences within the African-American male community. This includes acknowledging the wide range of personalities, talents, and aspirations that defy stereotypical categorizations.
Bro, Kendrick Lamar is totally a nigma male