A novice at the fine art of rest. Often characterized by their inability to properly wrap themselves in a duvet or blanket, leading to a 3 a.m. wrestling match with tangled sheets. Their sleep setup looks like a crime scene where the blanket has escaped, and they’ve somehow managed to twist themselves into a human pretzel. They wake up with the grace of a confused giraffe, suffering from neck and back pain that defies all logic. The sleep noob will spend a solid 15 minutes hitting snooze, only to fall asleep again and accidentally nap through their alarm, proving they still have much to learn in the realm of sleep mastery.
You are such a sleep noob, you don't even know how to get toasty in bed
A character specifically designed to be easier or more spammy for newer players in a fighting game.
Me: Man, Strider Hiryu, Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto, Jin, and Captain Commando are such noob characters.
Doug: Don't forget M. Bison, Akuma, Ryu, Ken, and Guile.
Michael: Man. You guys are good at fighting games and hoopin? Come on,
Someone who stands on magical tiles wearing a hat, while taunting his enemies by constantly moving on the spot and refusing to leave his perch above the tiles.
Loser: Ugh, you’re such a NOOB CAMPER!
A youtube channel. The King Noob donates robux to people in need and likes to play bedwars and tds. The King Noob is the leader of Noobs and has a Noob Army. The King Noob are friends with CJToons and liveswordgamer. He plays scp 3008 and goes to St. Patrick elementary school. Don't get on his bad side or it will not be good. He Lives at OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE IS AFTER ME RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
The king noob is a nice king.
A very cool and slight bigger than average pp sized person. Also has a YouTube called Imaginary Noob which is pretty cool and you should probably check it out
Wahmen - did you see Imaginary noobs newest video?
Other Wahmen - Yes it was pretty good and he has a huge PP
To be a short spear chucking nigger queer
That little noob tuber just spear his boyfriends ass wide open