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O Fucking K

A phrase used to emphasize the fact that you understand.

Primarily used when someone repeatedly asks or tells you the same thing over and over and over ect.

Expletive used when dealing with an annoying person

Wife: You need to cut the grass.

Husband: I will.

Wife: The grass isn't getting any shorter.

Husband: I'll get it.

Wife: It's not gonna cut it's self.

Husband; O FUCKING K, I heard you the first time!

by Psycho Brutus December 11, 2011

55👍 5👎


Home-o-phobia is the condition and social category of home-free people who not only lack housing, they refuse to get a home and refuse to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter.
The term "home-o-phobic" applies to a person who chooses to be home-free because they see no reason to get a job, and thus choose to sleep in the street.

Byron is a home-o-phobic and its gotten so bad that he won't even sleep at other people's houses.

by whalewail April 13, 2009

70👍 7👎


Noun: a group sexual encounter; an orgy.

After the city shut down the "club", the slam-o-rama shifted from one location to another.

by Speedog 2 December 24, 2010

30👍 3👎

bag o' cats

Refers to someone who is being particularly surly, moody, sour or otherwise unpleasant, a.k.a., a bitch... someone you might approach in the same way as a bag of fighting cats.

Best when said in a real Irish accent.

She's like a bag o' cats.

by onthefringe July 30, 2008


Woke-o-cracy: A Modern form of theocracy based on the Woke uncritical acceptance of Critical Race Theory and the willingness to atone for, cancel, or call out any speech or thought aimed at questioning The Woke’sunderlying assumptions.

The Evergreen Woke mobs seem to advocate for a Woke-o-cracy

by NotonFacebook July 20, 2020

O wel Dorito!

(O- wel - Dorito!) it's a word where you could say as a catchphrase like being in death or almost dying you just say O wel dorito! you could also say that word as an insult or you could put other words that rhymes with dorito.

Oh mahn i got shot, i'm going to Die! O wel dorito!

by Dm4571 October 5, 2020

boos o doos

an arabic phrase used by kuwaiti teenagers, which means to take a last puff off a joint (boos as in kiss "kiss the joint") and put it out (doos as in squash "squash the joint")

eg: guy passes a roach to another guy and says "boos o doos"
also see: wild 3amik bob marley?

by mon6o8 March 6, 2007