Source Code

weez the juice

weez- to steal/take something

"hey dude, wanna go to the 7/11 and weez the juice?"
"kay man, lets go"

by x-wtf September 4, 2006

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poot juice


Dog, I was sprayin' poot juice after eatin' all them pinto beanz.

by Ric Dog June 6, 2003

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N juice

The undetectable fluid,"juice" that runs through all black people. It is what causes black people to become extremely mad and go on violent rampages. Is easier to be influenced and set off when fried chicken and/or grape drank is near by. These two items act as triggers to help set off N juice

"Dont piss off that black guy or he will release his N juice and go crazy!"

"That Rampage Jackson must have ate a lot of fried chicken and drank a lot of grape drank cause his N juice was off the charts and the nigga went crazy"

by Chrine July 28, 2008

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dude juice

Whitish fluid produced by a male orgasm, usually used in a homosexual context.

To catch up on a lack of protein, Doug drinks dude juice from the tap.

by digadug June 24, 2008

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Nightmare Juice

Swallowing a load filled with anger before bed resulting in nightmares for the consumer.

Girl: I had the worst dreams last night! I knew swallowing his nightmare juice before bed was a bad idea!

by peachesj August 15, 2018

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bon juice

slang term for vagina . created in sv arizona at sierra summit

damn fool u smell like bon juice

by Deshon Mitchell March 4, 2004

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yam juice

a tasty beverage made with blended fruit (often strawberries) and champagne. Side-affects involve blurry vision, slurred speech, and sexual depravity (in women)

A few glasses of yam juice and next thing we knew michelle was dancing topless on the bar.

by karrlito April 19, 2006

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