An expression used when utterly disappointed about someone or something. Similar to Spleen Sucker, except it can refer to objects and situations.
Kelsey: Hunter what did you get me from Walmart tonight?!?!
Hunter: What did I get you? Nothing!
A worthless piece of shit is somebody who holds the lowest rank you can get in society and has as much worth as a squashed dog shit.
George spat in the children’s food, what a worthless piece of shit.
To have sexual relations with another.
Jenny: "You hung out with Carlos last night?"
Michelle: "Yes, we pieced it up."
Jenny: "That's what I'm talkin bout!"
Piece control is a term coined by legendary Fortnite caster Arten "BALLATW" Esa. It means controlling the pieces in proximity to create openings for eliminations. It ultimately allows the player to dictate the flow of a fight, limit an opponent's options, and create opportunities to land shots.
Player 1: *sweating*
Player 2: “This man’s piece control is FUCKING TRASH, bro can’t even crank 90s 💀”
The act of being boxed like a fish.
I’m full pieced.
I just pieced this kid up.
A scenario in which two opponents in the video game Mario Kart pass you simultaneously and send you into the abysmal 3rd place.
dude, PIECES OF BALLS!!!!!!!!!!, DK and Bowser just passed me!!!!!
when you stick a gun in between you ass cheeks to hide it
yo bro dont let the opps see your ass piece
yo bro your ass piece is hanging out