I AM GOING TO FUCK HER SO HARD- Nah joking. The definition is that She is a female Version of The Character Party Noob from Regretevator
Female Party Noob is so hot!
Female Party Noob: I will deep fry your organs
A very cool and slight bigger than average pp sized person. Also has a YouTube called Imaginary Noob which is pretty cool and you should probably check it out
Wahmen - did you see Imaginary noobs newest video?
Other Wahmen - Yes it was pretty good and he has a huge PP
Commonly used when you "expose" someone for being a noob and stuff like that
person 1: Guys i beat every video game ever
person 2: False
person 1: ok fine how did u know
person 2: haha noob expose
Noob strength are the, usually overlooked, qualities of the noob. Only recognised by certain players, noob strengths are those characteristics which can be exploited.
Noob strengths include membership counts, blind loyality, assistance in money laundering, and attachment to rank and prestige.
A youtube channel. The King Noob donates robux to people in need and likes to play bedwars and tds. The King Noob is the leader of Noobs and has a Noob Army. The King Noob are friends with CJToons and liveswordgamer. He plays scp 3008 and goes to St. Patrick elementary school. Don't get on his bad side or it will not be good. He Lives at OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE IS AFTER ME RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
The king noob is a nice king.
He usually sucks on nuts or jacking off the fluffy black anal while jacking off to shaqs knee
Norris the noob
Metaphorical pain relieving ointment for middle-aged gamers. Specifically formulated to relieve the discomfort of being brutally killed (most commonly by a teenager) within seconds of deploying into FPS war zone.
Jake: Right, get ready boys, we’re going to kick some….
Raymond: Motherfucker, some arsehole just one-shotted me. I hadn’t even hit the ground
Carl: Thank god for the noob lube!
Raymond: It still stings the ring
Jake: Is that toxic?