When you have an orgasm and you crave pineapple while on your period.
Person 1 "Last night i had a pineapple bust!"
Person 2 " so did i !"
When your penis throbs only once and you cum
I pulled down my pants and watched porn, I was about to start masturbating but i busted on one pump
When the butler gets in trouble for answering the door because it was chicks in bikinis not dudes in boardies.
The dudes have Busting a nut inside their family home and allowed the nut to leavewith thd stolen items peacefully
When you beat a mother fuckers ass while clocked in at work.
I had to “ bust a Gatlin” on Freddie for the shit he was talking on Monday
When you nut in her on accident, so you immediatley pull out and hit that yeet.
I wasnt wearing a condom so it was time to bust a U-turn and get the fuck outta there.
when you fill a water balloon with a girls period blood and throw it at some one
shane threw a busted tomato at jessa
When you cum hard, chuncky balls with such speed and velocity, it can penetrate solid objects like wood and potentially walls.
I had such a mad crust bust last night, it almost shaddered my tv screen.