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To be annebriated on mass quantities of marijuana and beer and/or whiskey.

Kinash was so squirell-faced there was squirells scurrying all over him.

by nick moore February 16, 2006

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ecstasy face

The face you make while having sex; when it's really good and or right before your about to bust a nut!

Girl, that ninja ecstasy face looks like Lloyd from dumb and dumber when he about to cum.

by Zentiye February 3, 2016

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Those sorority girls who wear ugg boots and northface jackets on a college campus, along with sweatpants and bedhead. An oxymoran because they are typically very attractive.

Did you see that ugg-face walking to class wearing the hot pink sweatpants.

by thecichlidpleco February 24, 2010

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Horse Face

1) A douche bag that stalks musicians, asks for photos and autographs, and then proceeds to talk shit about them either to their faces or behind their backs.

2) An ugly long faced douche bag with a big nose resembling a horse.

1) Guy 1: So Kristoffer does the most controversial and volatile thing anyone can do, and yells to Jerry Cantrell loudly and clearly for everyone to hear: "It should have been you instead of Layne!".
Guy 2: Wow, what a fucking Horse Face.

2) "Wow, that thug that had that 2 second spot on 30 Rock is a Horse Face!"

by metalbro4life May 28, 2010

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Really creepy sexual partner who wants to bear/sire a child at the first opportunity, tries cleaving to someone who is not interested, and if a kid is conceived and born promptly loses interest in it. In short, a bit of a psycho. After the critter in the Alien movies.

I don't know what Alice ever say in Mark. Now she's trying to offload little Gary onto him. She must be a face-hugger.

by Fearman May 27, 2007

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Ahego face

So dumbass fucking bitch who always sticks their tongue out on TikTok.

This dumbass egirl is making the ahego face.

by Ahego February 11, 2019

142๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

sheet faced

A term for the appearance of someone who has just risen from bed, and is bearing the marks of their pillow.

I woke late for work, and left the house still sheet faced.

by Cpt.Flint August 26, 2005

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