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Turd Duster

The worst job ever. It's when a man or woman has to sweep turds with a dust pan.

Bill: Sally has to sweep up turds, cause she's a turd duster.

by Monkey Sling Poo October 16, 2011

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Turd Channel

The Poop Chute, the Hershey Highway, aka Asshole.

Last night Diane let me stick my tube steak straight up her Turd Channel.

by iliketigobittys February 27, 2011

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Elephant Turd

To go immensely insane, preferably within a night club

"We stomp through like an elephant herd/ And we don't go ape shit we go elephant turd. That's my word" -Big Wax

by SSBMMasta August 22, 2010

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turd jerker

Beings which employ fecal matter in order to effectuate a motion in such a manner that it simulates the act of masturbation on their genitailiæ in expectation of bringing to pass orgasm.

you are a turd jerker

by F.D.L.K December 29, 2010

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polish a turd

Methodology behind which junk mortgage backed securities were sold as AAA+ rated investments by Wall Street

Dilbert: Hey Trey! I've got this great idea about how to make even more money - we package up piece of shit mortgages as "investments".

Trey: Sounds like you'll be needing to polish a turd on that.

by ItsAJohnson October 11, 2010

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when some is stealing turds from your facility and storing them in airtight sealed containers under there bed to preserve them for later smelling.

Ayrton we all know your turd-burgelling our turds when we take shits, it's ok if you do we just want you to tell the truth.

by pooonthetwobitebrowniepoo May 14, 2008

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Turd wad

When you fart and a fart doesn't come out

Dude I just blew a turd wad

by bbq13 March 13, 2008

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