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The shits

A slang term, used especially is the North East of England, for a bout of diarrhea.

"I've got to go to the loo, I've got the shits."

by NorthEastEnglandMan August 18, 2023

The shits

Extreme diarrhoea

After eating a rotten oyster, Susan had the shits.

by irrelevant cat March 25, 2022

The shit

André 3000.


by gizzmokids December 2, 2018

the shit

The best of the best. Nothing greater than it. Not to be confused with shit, which is the most often the complete opposite of THE shit.

Frank Moneymaker is the shit!

by bubba02 February 5, 2014


"THE SHIT" can be used as an adjective! This word is used when something is AMAZING, A VIBE, OR REALLY GOOD.

"Okay, you can hate the movie Twilight...but you can lie, the soundtrack is THE SHIT. nO cAp!

by Itsthedefinitionsformebaby:) September 16, 2020

The shit

God, A phrase used to describe a place of euphoric high and devastating lows..no one truly knows the shit, but we praise it when things go right, we step in it when things go wrong.

These beats are the shit.

I fucked up an got fired, cuz I stepped in the shit.

by MistaSinista January 12, 2019

The Shits

The shits are what you get on you rway out of a taco bell

Person 1: I haven't seen Person two since he went into the bathroom!
Person 3: eh, The Shits will treat ya like that sometimes.

by ToffeeisTasty November 28, 2021