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watch X-Files

1.) To have sex with both partners facing the same direction, better known as doggie-style.

2.) A euphemism for having sex in general.

Originates from a line from the Bloodhound Gang song, The Bad Touch: "and we'll do it doggie-style so we can both watch X-Files."

Some Girl: Hey, wanna watch X-Files?
Some Guy: But X-files has been off the air for...oh. Yes. Let's watch X-Files.

Some Dude: There's nothing on TV. Let's watch X-Files.
Some other Dude: Agreed.

by A penguin's lost hat March 5, 2010

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xoxo x wife

The women who used to be married to the guy you are sleeping with. A trainwreck--- who wears to much makeup, is overweight and can't snag a man.

"Who's that chubby chick hanging on your man"?
Oh, ---- its his xoxo x wife, even though they've been divorced 10 years she just can't let go"

by voodoomutt January 22, 2012

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Zave X Zoen

The Perfect Couple. Both names start with a'Z'. Both Are idiotic- A Match Made In Heaven. At first they will be very shy when meet, but as they know each other more their affection for each other grows.

"It Was Love At First Sight" The cute couple said when they were interviewed.

Zave X Zoen Is Simp

by Hi Zave September 29, 2020

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Lucas x Cyann

Lucas likes Cyann but doesn't want to admit it so we created this ship. It's the most popular ship at the school at the moment.

"There's Lucas"
"Did you hear he likes Cyann?"
"Yea he said he'd smash"
"Das funny. Lucas x Cyann"

by LUCAS LIKES CYANN December 17, 2018

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captain x cap

a condom, a jimmy cap, a cum trap

yo phil my captain X cap rubbed off in yo mama's pussy last night. get that shit back for me!

by jethro jenkins June 14, 2006

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floyd x darcy

the cutest couple in the world! owowowowo

floyd: "darcy is cute and funny"

darcy: "ok"

floyd x darcy is the cutest couple ever

by amogus sussy imposter 3am red! June 5, 2021

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X-acto blade

A small blade that is used for crafts... or cutting yourself.

For this project, you need 1 X-acto blade.

by rrockerchick April 14, 2009

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