A member of the sacred Alliance of the Squozzles made between Queen Mary Kathryn Hooker Anna-Jospehine Squozzle Buddy Johanssen and King Tanner Pimp Dumbledore Squozzle Buddy Johanssen, Inventor of the Modern Penguin.
I wish I was a squozzle buddy, like Queen Mary Kathryn Hooker Anna-Jospehine Squozzle Buddy Johanssen, owner of the Love Shack Be-eh-bee and King Tanner Pimp Dumbledore Squozzle Buddy Johanssen, Inventor of the Modern Penguin...
Blend Buddy (As defined by Nacho King.) 1. To be a blend buddy; he is a blend buddy. 2. From the word "Blender" - To blend; To hang around people you don't specifically know, but attempt interaction to make friends with a group of people, and then end up looking around for another group to try to make friends with, thus creating a "Blend Buddy".
3. A friend that isn't your friend. 4. A person that you just hang around, even if they hate you. 5. Known as moronic at some moments.
"Look at that guy hanging around that group of people and going to another group. That Samson has no friends, but he has a lot of blend buddies.
2 people whome share a yard or farmland
Paul Williams is my favorite yard buddy
Someone you cut up with (goof off with) in class.
He's my favorite cut-up buddy in history.
A secret couple who secretly go to the train tracks to have sex. Train track buddie
Train track buddie is a secret couple who secretly go to the train tracks to have sex. Train track buddie
~“Hey “Train track buddie” want to go down to the train tracks and cheat on your boyfriend?”
~“Yes of course” Train track buddie
a girl that gives her goods to to a boy and all of his friends
mike: hey i have had that girl before
dave: me too she is such a buddy