A common phrase used by the mentally ill when in distress, or if they see something they like
Mentally Ill Oi Oi Pineapple Island
Trucker slang for "California"
Trucker 1: Man, I have to haul a load to Idiot Island.
Trucker 2: Oof, that sucks
Jekyll island is a fictional place where Georgia residents are tricked into thinking they are on vacation. In reality, they are being studied by the Illuminati and experience weird anomalies that are often overlooked as coincidences.
My friends and I are headed down to Jekyll island for the weekend, I hope I don’t get that strange feeling about it again.
The place where pac-man's friends and family get captured.
A place people go when they're not responding to your text messages anymore. When you are being ghosted, it is said that the ghoster has checked in to ghost island.
"What happened to that guy you were dating?" "He went to ghost island."
ram island yacht club is the best. they always have the best instructors (except for seán 🤮). way better than ness
ram island yacht club is the best!
A lonely island with a bunch of shitty rich old people there is a bunch dumb ass travelers that come yearly
It is very sad here
Old guy 1: Let's go to Bainbridge Island Son
Kid: fuck you grandpa