from the bottom to the top he is Ga-Show and he will put on a show
Ga-Show is a pretty cool dude
A term that American fraternities use to denote rituals that take place in their basements. These include hazing or other things they do in their basement that no one else can ever see or hear about.
That little pussy freshman almost died last night in the Basement show.
A competition between two males to see who is the biggest swinging dick aka “cool guy”
There was a major cock showing when John and Jim competed over who had more swagger with the ladies
What white people call the movie theatre
You kids wanna see the new harry potter movie at the show this weekend?
When someone's shirt is too short or rides up and their ass shows. Not a compliment.
Don't get me started on that getup. That shirt shows ass.
A national radio show aimed at the 16-24 year old mentally defficient.... truly a show of the gods
The Luke and George show, national radio 1.....
I want to see them god-damn you!!
"urban dictionary won't show my cringe definitions" "i could've becoming internet famous!!!"