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flying dirt star

The act of suspending ones body off the ground using your fore arms as a base while in full nudity or partial in order to reveal the butt hole.

When the Detroit Lions scored the winning touch down andrew and kyle reacted by throwing a flying dirt star up.

by The flying dirt star master April 14, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

rusty sheriff star

A brown asshole or poop shoot.

My old lady has a clean rusty sheriff star for a culo.

by d0c March 18, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

The five star swing

an optical illusion-it makes your penis look an inch or so bigger.
cup your ball sack with 3 fingers (middle finger to pinky) and then wrap your index finger and your thumb around the penis, circulate thumb and finger and then your penis should start to swing around through 360 degrees. after a while of this procedure your penis appears to have grown a considerable amount without becoming erect

"Hey lads, i did The five star swing again last night and my penis grew again; unbelivable"

by Cadgey101 May 1, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

star wars galaxies

MMORPG based in the Star Wars universe.

One of the advertised features of S.W.G. had been that you would be able to make your character into a Jedi if you did the right things. However, the "right things" involved a LOT of hard work and a lot of time. You could become a Jedi if you put enough hours in but it was a frustrating chore and not really worth it.

After enough bitching from the players, the makers of the game changed things around....and now it's so easy to become a Jedi that there are about 50 dozen Jedi players on each SWG server. While it's definitely cool to be a Jedi, it sort of contradicts the storyline of Star Wars, which says that at the time the game takes place (between the first movie and Empire Strikes Back) there weren't a million Jedi running around.

"All of my friends in Star Wars Galaxies have started doing the quests to become Jedi."

by Rabid_Caterpillar September 6, 2004

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chocolate star fish

the arse hole

I had acurry last night & now my "chocolate star fish" is on fire.

by Kelly August 11, 2003

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converse all stars

There was a time where if you wore converse you were really alternative, now however, the chavs of the world have discovered them and walk about thinking they are cool in their pink pair. Then you get the wannabes, they dont know who they 'wannabe' but they sure as hell are trying to be them, thinking they are the first ones to wear them, then buy a pair in every colour. Rock on!

Go on, buy a pink sparkly pair, you know you want to!

by grape_vine May 8, 2005

226๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

home star runner

doofus with no arms

i like to dance around

by Evanezer April 18, 2003

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž