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Gamer gram

Discord. Just discord.

Yo I sent you a DM on the gamer gram

by Dr. Cole Ph.D September 12, 2021

One Trick Gamer

When someone has an Xbox live account, or a PlayStation account, but only plays on PC.
These people have a pointless Xbox/PS account that they never use.

They like to advertise their gamertags, but you never see them online. They’re like one trick ponies, only good at one thing.

Mr.NormalGuy123: “I play Xbox and PC.”

Mr.OneTrickGamer698: “Oh, I have an Xbox one account, my gamer tag is “MoldyPig.”

Me: *Searches him up on Xbox only to find he hasn’t been active since December 5th, 2015*

Me: “He’s a One Trick Gamer.”

by A Twist of Rexy February 17, 2023

L gamer

a gamer that has poor performance and always comes up with excuses

yo fizz is such a L gamer hes always missing shots

by Ifuckurmum February 25, 2025

Gamer rage

A dangerous state of the breed of human called "gamer" where in a "game" or perhaps another "gamer" has caused them to enter this state of utter and total badass

Gamer rage 1 - suck a wiener

Gaymer rage 2 - Drink a pint of hot dog water

by Grievous'sGirl October 5, 2021

Saajan gamer

A very good gamer. Who claps all the mandem and gets gyaldem. However he fails to clap one driller. He is very sweaty. However saajan gamer is very vicious and likes to go pee pee. Like the wolf of street he gets the moneyz in games and plays Roblox simulators

On me on me it's a saajan gamer. He is too good. Oh no oh no. Ohhhh I'm shining in the night ....

by Newly made. April 17, 2021

Toxic Gamer

A 5 to 11 year old kid who think he or she is the best and when they win they say things like ez or you're trash or in their bad grammar ur trash

Don't be a toxic gamer

by Arandomwordknower July 18, 2022

Gamer Kitty

a luh bih who wear dem headphones w kitty ears.

she got that WAP no DEW.

While you where on the boat, I got groovy with the Gamer Kitty.

by DURRBABY January 7, 2023