Vocational work refers to the kind of rubbish job with low pay where your employer can abuse you and take liberties. For example nurses, teachers etc.
Johnny wanted a pay rise, but his employer told Johnny that his job was vocational work and that he should accept that he should fuck off
opposite of passive aggressive; a complete b*tch or really sweet gal. No in between.
Rachel Work can be a good friend, but hates all people. Sometimes a little too honest.
Loves country music and marines.
Likes to say "WOW" in the voice of Owen Wilson.
Wow! I met Rachel Work today, and I liked her but she was also low-key bitchy.
(Türk işi) A device, structure or any work done half-assedly, cheaply, crudely and possibly in an illegal manner but somehow fuctions and serves it's intended purpouse. Typically executed by a Turk with the intention of saving money or time.
The electrician having ran out of wiring, connected the light switch to the main line using copper piping, serving as the epitome of Turk work.
Move your hips round and round in a circular motion as in a seductive way. Taken from Rihanna's latest song featuring Drake.
Let me see you work, work, work, work. work work wo
People who work in jobs that require less skill than a professor for example. Basically someone who lands up working in menial jobs and earn little money for it.
If the tories increase taxes in the UK, then the working class is fucked because how are they going to be able to pay taxes when electric and gas bills have already doubled.
Any controlled substance used while at work. Calling them “work drugs” is just an attempt to make it seem like doing drugs at work is a normal thing to be doing.
You seem a little high strung today Bill, did you get into the work drugs again?
Andy often used work drugs on days that he was hung over. . . doctors orders, don’t worry about it.