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Dry bean

A dry texter, someone who can’t hold a conversation, and usually reply’s with a one word answer.

I was talking to Nolan earlier the convo was such dry beans.

by Genevieve13 August 17, 2024

Easy dry it up

1. "Easy dry it up" or in short "dry it up" is a parting phrased between to guy friends that simply means to have such supreme love-making proficiency that you are able to dry a women up

2. "Easy dry it up" means that your skills are so superior to another person that it makes others skills look dry and worthless

3. "Easy dry it up" means to stop a player in basketball who is playing so well he could be describe as "wet"

4. A phrase used to wish "easy" burning of marijuana.

-"Dry it up"="Burn in up"

1.Friend 1- "Alright man see you later"

Friend 2- "Easy dry it up"

2. "I'm drying up my friends on the basketball court

3. "Ron Artest's defense is drying up Lebron James tonight"

4. Friend 1- "Yo you want to smoke?"

Friend 2- "Naw, I can't, dry it up though"

by Ruben Green February 23, 2011

Dry up the drip

A phrase to describe an attempt to mess with or sabotage someone's outfit or style.

The dog with dirty paws tried to "dry up the drip."

"You know he's got mad drip, but a scuff on those shoes would dry that up real quick."

by Not Jackal April 22, 2022


Dry is a slang word for "Not funny", popular in New Zealand and Australia. It is typically used when someone attempts to make a joke and and it's not funny.

Jack: "Joseph looks like a turtle."
Daniel: "Nah, that's dry."

by syvexn December 15, 2022


When a chat is boring and there's not much drama or tea going on.

me: bro he's being so dry all of a sudden
grayson dolan: sucks man

by thiccassgrethan June 9, 2019


Drunk & high.

Synonyms: cross-faded, crossed

Are y'all just drinkin', or are we getting dry tonight?

by Qajj February 24, 2021



I told him he needs to get help!


by ZhhHusssein! April 27, 2016