Source Code


taking three or more times to type a simple word while texting

Emma: (texting)
I think it’ll cute my asthma.


by Crispin Phillip Arthur Russell May 19, 2023


Emma is a very sexy person with a very great personality. Everyone loves her because she is that amazing.

Person 1: Wow look! There's Emma
Person 2: Wow, she's awesome!

by emmathegreatperson December 7, 2021


You wont regret being friends with her, one mistake and you might've made her hurt, or broken already. so be careful what you do with her, she's fragile.

"Emma, wait!"
No, she already made me feel worse.

by Strawberry :D June 20, 2022


A female who is a serial cheater. If her name is Emma, that girl has been more ran through than the finish line at a race. She flirts with every guy she speaks to shamelessly and sends most of them free nudies. If you're a man, don't date her because she WILL cheat on you. And if you're a woman don't let her near your boyfriend because she will try to fuck him behind your back while smiling in your face.

Example 1:

Person 1: Emma cheated on me again!

Person 2: Damn bro, third time this week?

Example 2:

Person 1: My homies and I ran a train on Emma last week, but when it was my turn to smash it felt like throwing a pencil down a corridor.

Person 2: You should get tested. Me and 2 other guys had her prior and got crabs. I got so many crabs in fact that I had to ask her if she planned on putting some sand in her vag next time to make them feel more at home.

by SuckingHerOff69 December 10, 2023


She is A wonderful girl , she gorgeous she dyes her hair the wrong color and still Looks stunning but she’s a prude she dates a lot of ugly guys who’s use words to make her feel good about her self until she meet her one red head bf witch was the hottest bf she has ever had and prob will ever have but she’s loyal kinda

Don’t be a Emma , she’s a prude

by Daddy Fuxkig Caden November 10, 2017


plays soccer, only has a couple of friends. always wears black. acts like a bitch and overall just doesn't get along with anyone

fuck you Emma

by SuckassSandwhich September 14, 2020



emma wears a lot of black

by smelly hoe bag October 19, 2020