A title given only to the most swagadelic person/ persons and strictly appointed by only a previously titled swag money soldier.
Mane, Tristan always got the weed on deck and some bangin ass food. He’s a straight swag money soldier at its finest.
Describing someone who is dressed super fly or acts super cool.
Yo, bro, you got some te Velde swag.
A phrase to use to end a diss, argument, or statement. Sometimes used in place of “suck my d**k”
Boy you look like a pine cone, swag on my ass fam.
Damn this Applebee’s smacks, swag on my ass
Let’s go hit the bars, swag on my ass homie
Dude I tried the swag cannon 5000 last night ,it took hours to cum!
Whenver something is done wrong
Sarah Palin went vulk master swag on her vice president campaign
A flaccid penis of at least 9” in length and above average girth
That old dude who just walked by the lockers with no towel on was swinging a swag-dang-diggler
You know you have it when your nipples can cut through diamond
Kenneth: you got that nipple monster swag
Kenneth: its a good thing, take it as a compliment
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