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low effort post

Any post that dismissing any considerations, such as research, proper grammars, the serious tone of the post, demographics, etc.

TLDR, it's the "politically correct" way to say any posts that nobody cares, nobody asked and tends to derail any mindful discussions

List of low effort post:
1. Memes
2. Shitposts
3. GIFs
4. One liners
5. Bumpposting
6. Necroposting
7. Stickers (or emojis)

by Sir. B July 19, 2021

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Post porn depression

A male version of post parting depression. The feeling of being exhausted, guilty, and regretful.

He had post porn depression when the man walked into the room and f$%led her brains better than you.

by Solid Mantis March 13, 2016

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Post Election Celibacy

Syndrome that many liberal, socialist females are sadly forced to confront with when their capitalist male partner is a red-blooded Republican and no longer plans to β€œsleep with the blue enemy”

Christine will have to find alternative means to satisfy her desires due to a severe case of Post Election Celibacy. The hope is that she will have money left for batteries when her wealth is redistributed.

by Hensch man November 7, 2008

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Post- Family Guy

When, after loving Family Guy, you realize that family guy in fact suck shit and you begin to hate it.

Dude, you still watch this? I am so Post- Family guy!

by Maximize!!! March 17, 2010

10πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

post hardcore kid

a post hardcore kid is an emo kid who hates other emo kids. they refuse to believe that they themselves are emo even though they adhere strictly to the emo stereotype

Post hardcore kid 1: OMG that guy is such an emo fag
Post hardcore kid 2: yeah he even has the same shoes as you...

by Forever_failing January 5, 2006

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Post-Hardcore Kid

Self righteous, ray ban wearing, hair slicking, elitists in a music scene, who see themselves as superior to everyone around them. Generally, they don't play in bands, or if they did it was several years ago and they are resting on the laurels of their mediocre success. See everyone around them as inferior and fake, despite the likelihood that the people they are targeting are more genuine than the Post-Hardcore Kid. The kind of pompous shit heads that taint music scenes.

Post-Hardcore Kid:

You don't like (insert band here) you're a fucking poser


Uh ok

by Pissed Off Steve August 12, 2013

10πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Post nut ghosting

When you ghost the girl your fucking after you bust a nut because you got what you wanted and you don’t need her anymore

After we fucked he likes to play games like post nut ghosting me because the sex was that good

by shanemulveyloverxoxo69420 November 8, 2019

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