Slang term for insufflation (snorting, blowing, sniffing) typically of drugs or other substances.
“I just ripped that entire xanax bar in one hit”
Person 1 Asking: “How are you gonna take it, you gonna rip it? Or just pop it?”
Person 2 Replying: “Ima just rip this shit and let it hit me hard”
a lot of people wonder why the verb "rip" is used to describe the activity of excreting a fart out of your ass. this is a fascinating subject. based on a great deal of research, we have concluded that when "ripping a nasty," you are quite lit'rally ripping a hole in the previously fart-less space-time continuum, and injecting a stinker into the emergent vacuum: thus, you are ripping. it was believe this coined by Albert "Airturds" Einstain in 1904 in his magnum o'piss, "An die Physiker des Stinkertons."
thomas pebbles: fucking shit, dude, i fucking ripped so loud last night right at the moment i oh'jizm'd with kara.
daniel day luiz: dude, i have done that, it sucks. so embarrassing, especially if a lil doodoo squirts out.
pebbles: yeah, was so nasty. karen didn't say anything though.
day luiz: my dad usually doesn't either but it's just how it goes.
pebbles: it felt so good though.
Traditionally used as an acronym for rest in peace, and sometimes engraved on gravestones. However, it is now used (predominantly by teens) for when something embarrassing or funny at the expense of others happens. Similar to "L".
Are you tired of the current insults present in the dictionary? Do you wish there were more specific but also kinda broad ways to insult poeple? Well good jolly i have an insult for you! rip is a word thats used to describe someone extremely unoriginal and average. The middle-man of every situation. If its the expected average, hes a rip. He conforms to 99% of the population. Nothing unique about him.
"Hey man you wanna go to that party tonight? "
"Nah man its full of rips"
"Yo man do you want a ciggarette?"
"What do you think i am, a rip?"
When you are bummed about something not going according to plan.
"Will Taylor be there on Sunday?"
"No she quit"
A person who's cheeks flabble when they run but they have a dummy thicc ass
Hooker: damn girl ur a rip