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Anal rain dance

A fictional sex act created by Kurt Sutter, who admittedly created this phrase to be used on his show Sons of Anarchy yet get around the censors. Sutter may know it's true meaning since he's the creator but all he will provide as a clue is a tight-lipped "it's not a real thing....I made it up to say on the show and not get it censored."

Anal rain dance is a sexual term used on the show Sons of Anarchy, but showrunner Kurt Sutter says he made it up to avoid censorship.

Some of those porn scenes on Sons of Anarchy look like they're about to lead to an Anal Rain Dance!!

Georgie Caruso ruined Louann Delaney's business and then killed her just after the SOA members got it turned back around to make a profit; I bet no more Anal Rain Dances were filmed in Charming after the club got rid of Georgie!!!

by LBM1985 April 22, 2018

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not the baby daddy dance

The dance that black and white males do when they realize they are not the daddy of a baby from a whore they slept with twice. This can often be seen on the Maury show when a paternity test is taken. Often the mother says she is 125% sure to 250% the baby is his, but then is shut down as the man performs the baby daddy dance.

Maury: you are not the father
Man: ahhh damn wacth me dance this one out
woman:its lying its not true i was 200% shore

" djew see that guy bust that not the baby daddy dance? yeah he played that one right out.

by purplestickypunch88 May 9, 2007

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singing dancing sprite

a term for that guy in your group of friends who loves to put on a show. he is always singing, dancing, or feeling the need to act out in public. you're not sure of his sexual orientation and you sure as hell aren't sure why your friends with him.

1) Richard from the movie The Breakup.
"Gary on the kick drum.. come come!"

2) Jock- "Have you seen Ian today? I need to copy his homework for music and theatre class?"

Hot girl- "No, that singing dancing sprite is probably at play practice."

by yummdelish March 26, 2009

UNC Dance Marathon

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's largest student-run organization. UNC Dance Marathon is a year-long fundraiser to raise money for the patients and families of N.C. Children's Hospital. The organization raises money through campus fundraising, community and outreach events such as percentage nights and mini-marathons. Then, in the spring of each year, UNC Dance Marathon reveals the final fundraising total at the end of the 24-hour dance marathon, the Marathon of UNC Dance Marathon. The Marathon is a culmination of our efforts throughout the year and our way of showing support For the Kids.

The mission of UNC Dance Marathon is to overcome childhood illness by providing major support for the medical, surgical and emotional care of the patients and families served by North Carolina Children's Hospital.


Yo, I can't wait to stand for 24 hours for the kids at UNC Dance Marathon this year!

by FTK123 September 15, 2013

Emergency Dance Party

Used to break an akward moment, or just in times of boredom. One simply yells emergency dance party and counts down from five and starts beat boxing. Everyone there starts dancing for a period of about ten-thirty seconds.

So then i whipped it out... cough...um, emergency dance party! Five, four, three, two, one!

by Baba guy February 4, 2005

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wild monkey dance

when you have savage sex

lets g do the wild monkey dance

by alan March 31, 2004

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Middle School Dance

A huge whorefest. Girls show up in teeny tops and mini skirts even in the dead of winter. Guys dress like the douchebags they are, wearing thier RocaWear and SouthPole. Some dances sell glowsticks, see school is educational, it's teaching 6th graders about raves! Not only the glowstick thing raves and dances have in common, they blare loud music. But not techno, oh no! middle school dances usually blare Top 40 hits from 5 months ago that everyone is sick of listening to because the local radio station overplays them, such as ''Smack That'' and When You're Mad'' but also they play shit from the 1970's like AC/DC when only half of the dimwitted students even know who they are, or when they came out. Then they play a slow song and it's a race to find someone of the opppiste sex. If you don't, you look like a loser in the corner all by yourself wishing the song would just friggin end already! or you look like a gay/lesbian if your one of those types that dances with thier friends during slow songs. Plus some of these dances have cops in the corner so we can make sure nobody's having oral sex on the floor while the gay ass teachers chaperoning are doing it anally in one of the classrooms as we speak.

A Middle School Dance was probably one of the worst things invented

by DizzyLizzy February 20, 2007

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