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Snaps not hearts

Meaning to agree with someone’s point, seeing the logic behind someone else’s opinion/deluosions/rights and wrongs/ anything and everything someone does that you support and therefore is granted validation.

E.g - Slay, giving CUNT, your crushed it, awesome sauce , PREACH

And as it is being said it, one should also snap their fingers at least 3 times as a sign of approval 🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻

Snaps Not Hearts

Friend 1: Today I turned 20! We means I can officially says I BEAT TEEN PREGNANCY

Friend 2: snaps nots hearts 🫰🏻 🫰🏻 🫰🏻, snap not hearts babe

by Coolkatlad1221 April 27, 2024