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molecule brain

When you've made a mistake that's so easy to not make it, but you still do it, like misspelling brain to brian.

Also is used by peers / friends through gaming sessions when you've doone something stupid.

You have such a molecule brain!
Fuck, I feel like i got a molecule brain.

by SmallChames November 25, 2020

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Sweater Brains

What a guy REALLY means when he talks about being attracted to intelligent women.

Guy 1 to girl at a bar: I've always been attracted to intelligent women. I'll take brains over looks any day!
Guy 1 to guy 2, whispering: Yeah, sweater brains!

by JMcDon May 16, 2011

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Brick Brain

A player who has had his brain fremented from playing too much Protoss in the video game StarCraft II Multiplayer Edition.

Guy 1: I can't believe you lost your reaper like that
Guy 2: Yeah, I think I've grown a brick brain after playing too much protoss

by June 29, 2020

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ritalin brain

noun: a term for the state of the brain of someone who has been taking ADHD medication for years to the point where it's damaged their brain, especially their ability to experience life. People affected by ritalin brain have a hard time feeling strong feelings and are more susceptible to depressive episodes and often feel as if their perception of reality is more dulled.

Joe: Bro are you ok? You seem quiet lately.
Thomas: I got ritalin brain, reality just feels dull to me now. Parents put me on meds in second grade.

by penilepancakes November 17, 2020

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Bacon Brain

Someone who makes illogical comments against veganism, vegetarianism or animal rights on social media or in person, as a result of over-consumption of meat products causing fatty build ups in the brain

Joe Rogan has a severe case of bacon brain

by Ethica Lee September 4, 2020

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Eating Brains

A condition brought on by large quantities of alcohol. Symptoms include walking, talking, and looking like a zombie, and the beer cologne.

Ricky: Hey, you don't look so good. Maybe you've had too much to drink, Samuel.

Samuel: Baaaahhrrrrummm ugh.

Ricky: That's it, I'm taking you home. You are EATING BRAINS, man!

by Jerod W. February 5, 2011

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durr brain

Someone who is un witty or can't understand alot

Your a durr brain if you can't answer a simple question

by Kirstmc March 14, 2018

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