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Because I said so

A thought-terminating clichΓ© used by authoritarian parents to suppress disobedience and critical thinking in children. Often most seen in Asian parents.

Child: Can I get a switch for my 14th birthday? All my friends have one and I wanna play with them at recess

Parent: No. No fun allowed in school, only study.
Child: But why?!
Parent: Because I said so!!!
Some guy sitting next to them in public: *slow claps* Wow! What an answer! I'm sure your child is totally going to believe that one!

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 25, 2021

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

so hot right now

something or somebody who is damn fine.
like hansel from zoolander or a fat kebab after a night on the razz.

"aaaaaaah that cuppa tea and a fag, so hot right now!"

by hols March 4, 2004

19πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


This phrase is typically used to express intense anger, frustration, or rage. It's often used in informal or casual settings, and the repetition of the word "angry" is used to emphasize the intensity of the feeling. It is usually used in an informal setting, in written communication or in social media, it is not an appropriate way to express anger in a professional or serious setting.

"ARGRGHRGHHGR IM SO ANGRY!! IM ANGRY IM SO ANGRY! I just found out I got a parking ticket."
"I can't believe Jetstar canceled my flight! Again! ARGRGHRGHHGR IM SO ANGRY!! IM ANGRY IM SO ANGRY!"

by XxILoveXM9G-YT_Xx66 January 10, 2023

well you're dumb so

a sarcastic term used as a 'comeback' or insult to deter other bullshit and win an argument. often used out of context and meaning, to confuse an individual.

cunt 1: 'i got 10 out of 10 on physics quiz!'
cunt 2: 'well you're dumb so..."


by susaddict1995 October 13, 2015

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Im so mcgriddled, bro.

Being extremely high off the marijuana.

Dude i just smoked a fat spliff and now im so mcgriddled, bro.

by Bustanut5000 July 9, 2013

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so do u lift

Wanna get nekked and perform the horizontal tango?

Female to Male: So do you lift?

Male's Response: Let me finish this set and we'll go back to my place.

by Jonny Animal November 29, 2003

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

u r so ql

You are so cool. Sms. language. Used to tell someone to tell them that they are cool.
Often used as a sarcastic fraise.

hi clark. u r so ql.

by John Smith August 17, 2003

18πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž