A 24 year old godly rapper with 902k subscribers on YouTube, and 3.5M monthly listeners on Spotify. He has (and still does) frequently collaborated with other artists such as iamjakehill, ZWALL, MrTLexify, LonelyMailbox, and Darko/Foti.
Some famous songs of his are Suicidal Thoughts, Fearless, No Chill, Pain, and No Shima.
His most recent Album is You're Not Alone, released on 10/23/20.
His most recent EP is PAINLESS (The Remixes), released on 3/19/21.
His most recent Single is ANXIOUS, released on 4/30/21.
(Note: These are all since 5/26/21)
He has an alter ego called Lil Revive, which has 134k subscribers on YouTube, and 361k+ monthly listeners on Spotify. He also has a third channel called Josh (which can be found linked under the video for RIP), but there's nothing on it.
Josh has a Twitter, Instagram, and a SoundCloud account, but the last song posted to his SoundCloud account was Mask Off Remix, posted 3 years ago. He also has a merch website, josha.com
Bro #1: Hey Bro, Josh A's releasing a new song on Friday.
Bro #2: Hell yeah, It better be as good as Outbreak.
Josh A
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Left side text Josh A Right side text
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He’s super cool, super clever, and super good-looking, he is a one of a kind person and has girls hanging off him like he’s a God. Whoever rejects Josh has makes huge mistakes because he is awesome!
Girl 1: OMG! Who is that super handsome, clever guy over there?
Girl 2: Oh that’s Josh Parsons
Girl 3: Give me one sec I need to talk to that guy, he is super hot
He’s super cool, super clever, and super good-looking, he is a one of a kind person and has girls hanging off him like he’s a God. Whoever rejects Josh has makes huge mistakes because he is awesome!
Girl 1: OMG! Who’s that super cute guy over there?
Girl 2: Oh that’s only the cutest guy in the world: he’s nice, super sporty, super handsome and super cool!
Girl 1: I need to speak to that Josh Parsons
best person you will ever meet
josh pomario is the best in the world
A gay white Scottish boy that needs to stop sucking dick and go out.