Adam Joseph David Gavin is a rugby player in Africa with a huge following of sponsors. He is also part of the lgbtq+ community and is very open about his husband.
Person: I love adam jd gavin! He is the best rugby player for Africa!
Normal people: who is that freak?
Callum’s corners vegan sister. Fat munchpack thief
Guy who said “Callum is a nigga”: what’s your sisters name cal?
Callum Adams: Aimee Adams
A guy who is really good at counting papers
Guy 1: hey is that Adam Bambrick?
Guy 2: yes, he can count alot of papers
Guy 1: *cries*
Guy 3: *crimes*
Go count papers you Adam Bambrick
subscribe to his channel or ur dumb
adams bueno was subscribed to
Is an innocent boy who uses words he can’t understand.He also loves being slapped in one v ones while playing fortnite
Oh look it’s that innocent boy Adam o Driscoll
A bit of a pedophile who Goes to Hallmead school, very small cock
1:Ugh my dick went limp
2: Yeah my pussy is dry all of a sudden
Adam: Hey there kids *Rape*
1:oH BOI HERE IS AN adam ling
The perfect fucking couple in the world; they might act awkward a bit but no theyre actually in love but they dont show it.....if you know a Isabella that is friends w an Adam theyre meant to be.
Isabella and Adam yessir