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Bubbles up my ass

Person 1: would you like any bubbles?

Person 2: bubbles up my ass

by Yoongis.sleep.schedule March 7, 2021


A wooden stick used to make stupid definations

I bubble and no one cares.

by dum tester November 4, 2010


An area in a city lacking diversity, typically predominantly white and affluent.

That dude lives in a bubble, there ain't no diversity!

by Anonymous Alligators February 28, 2020


A way of treating athletes like children.

The athletes were expected to live in a bubble the bubbly girl did not want them to burst.

by The Original Agahnim November 12, 2021


A way to treat athletes like children.

The athletes were expected to live in a bubble someone did not want them to burst.

by The Original Agahnim November 12, 2021


what you call a hot girl with a bubble but and a bubble like personality

damn bro she’s a bubbles.!

by wornsua194628 January 15, 2019


At first there was no booty but God said " let there be booty" and thus bubbles was born.

Id fuck bubbles for a million dollars

by Dr. Nitraflex January 19, 2017