Source Code

Ur mum got a big thumb

The final FINAL version of ur mum gay

John : Ur mum gay
Mike: Ur dad les
John: Ur granny Tranny
Mike: Ur grandpap a trap
John: Ur sister a mister
Mike: Ur family tree LGBT
John:(Breaks leg)
John: I’ll do it

Mike: u wouldn’t

John: Ur mum got a big thumb
Mike: (gets disintegrated into oblivion to nvr be seen again)

by Joltlit April 11, 2018

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got me dead. dead as a cacaroach

an inside joke that was created on TikTok and means something is really funny.

Did you hear what she just said? Got me dead. Dead as a cacaroach.

by ih8myslf November 19, 2020

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Got her Like a bowling ball

When you Stick 2 fingers in her ass and your thumb in her pussy and hold her like a bowling ball

So she wanted it bad as I was sucking her tits I got her like a bowling ball and made her squeal!!!

by Crazychris April 14, 2014

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You got me chopped

When someone erks you soul and you just wanna knock the crack out of them

You:eating candy minding your own business

Sister:*snatches candy*

You: Your erk my soul and you got me more chopped than pork chop (you see where I was going with the pork chops no oh okay) your erking my soul you got me chopped sis

by Aerio gang bang January 1, 2020

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whats the ood got to do with it

a phrase that means like wtf

1. "do u want fries with that"
2. "oh yea i jst love keyboards as well"
1. "whats the ood got to do with it

by taila oliver May 21, 2011

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Then he got fat and died.

The easiest way to destroy someone’s reputation in a sarcastic manner after telling their life story.

Joe Biden won the presidency. Then he got fat and died.

by confused cajun man January 22, 2021

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I've got a lot of canvas

Phr. Secret lesbian code for the prospect of sexual relations with another woman to test whether or not she is a lesbian.

Hey, we should hang out and paint together sometime, because I've got a lot of canvas.

by Clam Jouster January 18, 2011

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