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Magic Carpeting

When you're baked as and you're in the car but you're so baked it feels like you're on a magic carpet.

"Hun, slow down im magic carpeting hard out right now."

by MRS FEAST May 22, 2018

magic spot cats

the domestic persian cat has a magic spot on their head right between their eyes - that when pressed in the right way they go in to a trance like coma stade allmost like when humans meditate.

Oskar the beautifull persian can be silensed for several minuttes when Pelle puts his finger between his eyes and mark his "magic spot cats" place...Oskar looks like at gopple melting bacwards ore like he has been smooking more than 60 joints -he drops his head an stones out with eyes open right untill you lossen your grib! All you have to do is place your finger between his eys and softly press it and here the coma starts!!!!

by piggy ride August 16, 2011

Pocket Magic

To rub one out in school through your pocket

Bout to do some pocket magic

by NormalDude420 September 11, 2022


To be frozen out by a friend for pettiness and given no explanation...

“I haven’t seen Susan in ages, not even a call”
“She’s probably ice-magiced you”

by Jeska Fox January 17, 2018

Magic stick

In Def Jam Fight for NY, preferred name for a hit confirmation to start a combo.

Crow hit D-Mob with the magic stick to combo into hard knockdown, then pickup showed him stunned for the Blazin’ finisher.

by Sore Thumbs June 20, 2019

Magic stick

A magic stick is a word normally used by females to explain how well a mans genitalia stimulated her labia minor last night. The dick was so good, it should be comparable to a magic wand.

Felicia: girl, joe has that damn magic stick in his pants. he performed for me last night.

Candy: better let me get a ticket to the show bitch!

by Bwise420 July 3, 2020

Magical Forrest

Noun, a full set of pubic hairs or pubes often very long and not well kept. a Magical Forrest has only one native specie, the bush. but can become infected with, many invasive species such as crabs and other STI's.

"Hey Jim how do I get to the magical Forrest?"

Jim:" You just follow the Happy Trail"

by Stanky Dragon December 29, 2011