When a nigger sees right through you and knows every move you will make in the future
whiteboy: whatever bitch, white boy pulls out deagle.
Nigger blasted white boy in the face, white boy dies...
200👍 174👎
it happens to fall on the same day as national send nudes day, a great excuse to not fucking send nudes to the crusty mexican asking for them
Person 1- happy national send nudes day;)
Person 2- happy national fuck right off day!!
When you lay-out someone for being a dick. Usually used in places with snow. It's said when your buddy is being a douche and you put him in his place.
Guy1: so buddy burned a hole in my coat and I fucked em right in the snowbank.
When you lay-out someone who is being a dick. Usually said in places with snow. Its said when your buddy is being a douche so you put him in his place.
Guy1: so buddy burned a hole in my coat and I fucked em right in the snowbank.
when your fingers don’t do what you want them to
did you see how bella was using her fingers with talia last night?
bella: my fingers won’t finger right
when your finger won’t do what you want them too
did you see how wrong bella was using her fingers with talia last night?
bella: my fingers won’t finger right !
A secret fraternal guide for masturbation dating back to ancient mesopotamia. Set forth by one of the first branches of warring tribes composed almost entirely of ten-year old children who were taught by intoxicated shaman that self-image was more important than education. They became the first nation of Nintendous, on the Island of Contraceptive.
Sometimes, before we went on a date, we would up up down down left right left right B A start.
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