When your a Pussy like jai and have no muscle on your shoulder.
Damn kevin dislocated his shoulder he must have Bitch shoulders
A basic bitch from the Suburbs; who think he/she is hood because he/she is from the suburbs.
Danny-Yo what chu looking at? I'm from the streets!
Bob-Shut the fuck up Suburban Bitch.
Danny-Don't mess with me, I'm from Chiraq (Chicago)
Bob-You're from the suburbs, Suburban Bitch.
Girl who stays on welfare, not want to work and expecpt their guy to pay all their expenses.
This welfare bitch doesn’t wanna help out with rent.
When you get fooled, hurt, or otherwise had a negative experience with a bitch.
Like being fucked over, but by a bitch.
"Hey man, you remember that girl who was so great, in the end I got bitched over."
Slutty looking women in a hallway
That hotel had hella hallway bitches!
better than basic bitch better than bitch itself
-She a advanced bitch, she smoked that bitch
-Damn she smart as fuck you some advanced bitch or what