The most PRETENTIOUS bitches to ever exist.
“Actually green eyed people have super secret NIGHT VISION wooshwoosh*” -booger eyed person
Neo-edgy people are those people who, while support movements like:
- the removal of mental disorder stigmas,
- leftist movements
...and so on, still:
- use the "random = funny" meme formula,
- use most of their time to drive memes into the ground by only posting variations of such memes and nothing else,
- harass people for not agreeing with their opinions (including not liking their jokes),
- use neurodivergophobic terms (e.g. the r-word) towards both ND and NT people,
- don't understand and still call people with BPD and similar personality disorders "attention whores",
- have a provocative attitude,
- have no concept of mental growth,
among other, much smaller and individual things.
Neo-edgy people are not to be confused with wokescolds, as while wokescolds are sensitive like neo-edgy people, they are also sensitive about what neo-edgy people do as well -- and vice versa.
Person 1: Have you seen the load of 'Dream' memes posted by Allen lately?
Person 2: Yeah, and yet again, he goes after people not liking his memes, calling them the r-word and such. Why so?
Person 1: I guess I was one of those people he raged at, but since he knows me, he unrelatedly mentions my BPD again, basically pivoting into a tirade of a tangent. That "it doesn't matter whether or not I have BPD, I'm still an attention whore". He says all that even after my therapist told me pretty much the opposite so far.
Person 2: Ah, I see. Well, that's neo-edgy people for ya. They support mostly the same movements we leftists tend to support as well, but are fragile yet very provocative and insulting when it comes to even a little difference between opinions. They may even pivot quite often, making you confused and give up as a result.
Person 1: Eeexactly.
A nice/good person, or a fan of StarStreamSkittles on Twitch
Oh my goodness! There are so many sweet people beans here!
A nice/good person, or fan of StarStreamSkittles on Twitch
This room is full of sweet people beans!
Any person 5’4 and under who gets mad fast about small and big things
She really got mad because her he said no, she has lil people syndrome
Black people..........
The unspecified group of people need to be accepted in jobs more often.
The best book ever written of all time by DR. BERNE MD written in the LATE 1960
Good songs.
Literally abstractions of FANTASY AND REALITY.
Spontaneity and planning models.
The book is on TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS and it covers everybody's spiteful BEHAVIOR towards others by outlining GAMES PEOPLE PLAY everyday.
The somgs are done by JOE SOUTH country and the pop song is by THE SPINNERS plus the ALAN PARSONS PROJECT has a song as the thosee are the different songs called GAMES PEOPLE PLAY.
These are examples of adaptations àf GAMES PEOPLE PLAY as spur of the moment using creative phraseology.