Scouse name for a big fat spliff......... called a rocket because that's the only way you can get to the moon...... obviously us scousers think that the moon is pretty high hence the use of the word........... also it brings new meanin to the term "blast off"
You gettin on this rocket lad??
Had a wake n bake this mornin kid.......was a fuckin rocket me heads gone
Rarely used slang, used to refer to a firearm.
"I got the rocket on me so that n-gga peeled off"
Blunts that have been rolled with half turtle and half tobacco
Those rockets last night gave me a head rush man
Dude we’re almost at the party, and you only just realized you forgot the rockets??
A persons dick that looks like a rocket
Yo, that dude was at the party and his pants were off and he had a dick that looked like a rocket