When a borderline geriatric and overly aggressive lover delivers a surprise all liquid defecation upon a middle age unwilling participants chest and face. Followed up with all the urine the borderline geriatric and overly aggressive lover can possibly muster.
The old man popped out of no where and bestowed a state street steamer upon and delicate face and bountiful chest meats.
Dervish state was a Dhulbahante state founded in Dareema Caddo and a successor to the Dhulbahante garadship
she member dervish state
Maybe the confederacy pledge? I dunno.
Please rise for the Pledge of Confederacy. "I pledge allegiance to the South of the Confederate States of America. And to the confederacy, for which it stands, one nation, under God, divisible from the Union, with Liberty and Justice for the South."
n. A US State with anti-scientific GOP leadership causing unnecessary and preventable high Covid-19 infections, over-run hospitals, low vaccine rates, and massive death.
The US government bailouts covering $50,000 hospitalizations and $1,200 monoclonal anti-body treatments in CovRed States with code red emergencies such as Governor DeSantis's Florida, which even banned private sector companies from issuing mask mandates, constitutes a welfare benefit for the disinformed and their victims that is far more costly than "food-stamp" programs.
A liberal democrat state that is full of high taxes, high cost of living, slow ass traffic, aggressive retarded ass drivers and the state is full of retarded ass motherfuckers that treat you like shit for literally no reason
I hate New York State so much, I’m moving the fuck out of that dirt neck shithole, and I’m moving to Texas - Rick
The constant state of being a douche.
Man, Fred has been in such a douchonic state this past week!