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manchester united suck

It's a fact.

Halvor: Manu is best
Fredda: No Manchester United suck. It's a fact.

by kuken te patrick2 November 12, 2013

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Justin Beiber Sucks


Guy 1: Have you heard of Justin Beiber?

Guy 2: Yes! I've met him before! He's awesome!

Guy 1: Here's a gun, go shoot your face off.

Rest of world: Justin Beiber Sucks.

by The Boston Tea Bag Party April 23, 2010

641πŸ‘ 320πŸ‘Ž

egg-sucking dog

An individual with an unbreakable habit.

Although this definition is based on a state supreme court case in which a dog was sentenced to death for raiding a chicken coup, the term is most commonly used as a metaphor.

You'll never get that egg-sucking dog Rush off his oxy.

by ambiguator October 18, 2011

39πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Run your Suck

To speak in a gossipy or clueless manner, usually to the distain of others. Quite common in Marine Corps recruits.

"You shitbags want to run your suck? Then you can eat some shit too!!!! MOUNTAIN CLIMB, YEW BITCHES!!!!!


by Stud Marine-Storm Gunner November 6, 2008

30πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

suck today's dick

Feeling motivation even though the day might suck. ;)

I think pineapple express already did that. But when I wake up and say "time to suck today's dick" I mean "let's do this" good or bad.

by bdlyandhadlock June 14, 2017

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Suck my cock

When someone pisses u of and u say why don't u suck my big white juicy cock

Boy:u want beef

Boy:suck my cock

by Wertyuio9 November 20, 2018

57πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

go suck a cock

poeple say go suck a cock when...well...how do i say this..
its thae same thing as fuck off or go fuck yourself

Junior "Dude can you please go and throw out the trash?"

Julia "Dude can you please go suck a cock?"

by JuliaΒ’ΒΎSomeone June 22, 2008

43πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž