When you take an alcohol shot directly from the bottle.
The sexiest man in the whole world. I love Tyler Avery so much. 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 #TylerAvery #Sex #Dick
Tyler Avery just pounded Ayla Calciano at the Fleming Island Football Game USA theme.
Someone who loves BANANAS CHAD
Mhhhhhhh Tyler DeKoning eats bananas
When a teacher picks only the oldest, most attractive females to give good grades to, and finds joy in giving other students who work just as hard, or harder lower grades.
Man that hot senior cheer captain and I both got the same grade but she got an A on her test, but I got Tyler Gray'd and got a D!
she is always there and sometimes a little too empathetic. she’s SO DAYYYMMMMM GORGEOUS AND KNOWS IT. and mayyybeee thinks she’s every teachers favorite, but know deep down she’s not… charlotte, if ur reading this, you know it’s me :) She loves cartoons and anything to to with Spider-Man.
omg look! It’s CHARLOTTE TYLER.
ikr? She’s the BEST
Tyler Wanda Morris was the first to offer the train to the airport. You have to go to the doctor. You are welcome to also take the Tyler Wanda Morris to the doctor.
Thank Ghandi that the Tyler Wanda Morris was able to take me to the grocery store.