If your name is Christian Spriogiannis you are by far the biggest party animal alive.
Yolo where’s Christian Spirogiannis? He’s at the party of course.
When a woman loses her anal Virginity before her vaginal virginity as means of saving herself for Marriage
Sally used the Christian position so God wouldn't be displeased with her and send her to hell
This is a peculiar type of Christain. You see, everybody loves a Christian, they’re usually very kind-hearted and sweet on the inside. However, this is not the case with a Werhner. This kind of Christian is a rotten, terrible kid who will only grow up to be a loser. He has a couple close friends who he tries his absolute best to keep close, because he has no other ones. If you meet a Christian Werhner, it is best advised you stay away, as your life will only be affected worse.
“I just met this guy named Christian Werhner at the bar table over there, what an asshole.” - Lindsay
“Yeah he’s a loser … and he’s ugly too!” - Kelly
Christian Gallagher is the perfect mix of everything. He's liked by everyone that meets him, even if he doesn't thinks so. He is an amazing boyfriend, yet sometimes he can get annoying. He loves you for who you are and treats you like you're perfect. He calls you beautiful, even when you know that you're not. He is loyal, sweet, charming, and somewhat dorky. He never keeps secrets, and always knows just what to say to make you smile and blush.
Christian Gallagher is my Gummy Bear....
I Love you ;-)
A short, chink that is extremely lazy and disrespectful to everyone, including himself
I don't think anyone likes that Christian Denzhel Doria lookin mf.
John was tired so he overdosed on some Christian crack.
noun = Unitarian.The term Free Christian is used in the name of the British religious denomination’The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches’ to imply that it contains people who are not Unitarian. It does not.
Q Are you a Unitarian?
A I prefer to use the term Free Christian
Q What does that mean?
A Unitarian