When you make an absolutely innocent Google image search and instead of the searched for term you end up with hardcore porn results. This typically then results in hitting every button on your keyboard to make it go away.
I googled well field yesterday and page 3 results had crazy work porn! Now I'm worried I'm going to get shit-canned.
Porn mirroring is when a couple or more mirror a video of porn. As they watch, they change positions and do what is shown in the porn video. The video is chosen at random and needs to be agrees on by all parties.
Guy 1: Dude I tried porn mirroring with my girl yesterday.
Guy 2: How was that?
Guy 1: It was pretty good because it let us do what we wouldn't before.
A collection of porn magazines and videos one has had for a long time. Had so long and looked and watched so many times that it becomes the same old porn and doesn't get one off anymore.
Father: Son, I have a box of old porn to give to you.
Son: Gee thanks but no thanks dad. I found your old porn long ago and I'm tired of it too.
Why are you looking up this
John:I saw garmadon porn
The hour your internet speeds go to shit because everyone is looking at porn.
"Why won't this video load?"
"It's porn hour bro"
When you fall asleep while watching porn and someone walks into your room to try and wake you up.
My sister tried to wake me up, but i was caught porn handed and my sister was scared
Where any other toy isn't good enough for some sexual pleasure imma use a whisk
Whisk porn cuz why the hell not scar people...