Known for always having a large butt from photos and videos.
Proof of Maintaining a big ass over a long period of time .
Sam: “ou girl did you get a butt lift ?!”
Bonnie: “ Tsss hell no sweetheart check my ass stamp receipts !” Lol
When someone is being absolutely stupid, or insane, or even asking for money via Instagram DMs, call them a bitch-ass wiggle
Jared asked for money? he’s a bitch-ass wiggle
A bitch ass nigger is a fellow person who is too pus-I mean scared to do anything yet they have a big ass mouth that spits out BS every corner.
He said he’ll fight be after school he’s such a Bitch Ass Nigger he didn’t even show up?!
Bitch ass niggers refer to American people because United States is full of niggers.
A person male or female, with zero common sense!!
Someone Lacking morals and integrity! They are Self centered and argumentative, even though they don't possess the skills or tools necessary to win any battles of the mind! Someone who can't get out of their own way!!!
God Jane is stupid as a box of rocks!!! Lamp ass mother fucker!
"Yo back the fuck up fenti ass nigga dont commit suicide"